Author Archives: paul

Salmon Rivers Council of Governments meeting Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The Salmon Rivers Council of Governments will meet at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at the Albion-Altmar Municipal Building, 15 Bridge Street, Altmar, New York. In addition to regular business, the guest speaker is Austin Wheelock, CEO of Operation Oswego County, on economic development in Oswego County. The public is welcome to attend this meeting, which will also be offered via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 879 9673 6231

Salmon Rivers Council of Governments meeting in Albion, Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Salmon Rivers Council of Governments will be meeting on Tuesday, August 27, at 2:00 p.m. at the Albion-Altmar Municipal Building, 15 Bridge Street, Altmar, New York.

The meeting will also be available via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 817 9852 1772
No password
Available by phone at +1 929 205 6099

Salmon Rivers Council of Governments holds joint meeting with North Shore Council of Governments

Salmon RIvers – North Shore Councils of Governments joint meeting, Thursday, July 7, 2022

The Salmon Rivers Council of Governments held a joint meeting with the North Shore Council of Governments Thursday, July 7, 2022 in the Steelhead Room at Tailwater Lodge in Altmar, New York.

Guest speakers included Dave Turner, Oswego County director of planning and community development and director of strategic initiatives, Ellen Holst, president of the board of directors of Operation Oswego County, the county industrial development agency, and Katie Malinowski, executive director of the New York State Tug Hill Commission.

Your participation requested – Central New York Internet access survey

As the past year has shown, reliable access to broadband internet is no longer a luxury. Covid-19 forced many aspects of our daily lives online; virtual learning, working from home, online shopping, telemedicine, and simply staying connected with those we care about. It has also shown how prevalent the digital divide is in parts of Central New York.

To help address this issue, the Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board (CNY RPDB) has partnered with Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Onondaga, and Oswego Counties to complete a study that will identify areas within each County that lack access to reliable broadband internet. Assisting with this study is ECC Technologies, a private consulting firm based in Rochester, NY that has a successful history of working with counties and municipalities across Upstate New York to identify and solve broadband internet access issues.

As part of this study, ECC Technologies has created a website and survey material that will allow us to collect data about broadband access in the region, called the Broadband Availability and Adoption Toolset (BAAT).  The BAAT survey is being used to reach residents and businesses to learn about their current internet access issues, service reliability, and the affordability of their internet access options. 

A website with the community survey launched on Friday April 30th and will run through July 31st. The survey is accessible on any device with internet connection. 

The confidential information collected from this survey will be used to identify areas in the County most in need of improved internet access service.  The information will also provide the basis for developing a plan to improve broadband internet access in Oswego County and across Central New York. The plan will be completed by October 2021. 

Please feel free to contact the CNY RPDB at (315) 412-5966 for assistance in filling out the survey over the phone or to request a survey be mailed directly to your home or business. 

Thank you for being an important part of this initiative. Your assistance in helping to facilitate community engagement in the survey will provide the basis for improving broadband internet service in the Central New York. Please feel free to contact the CNY RPDB, if you have any questions about the survey and the broadband internet study.

Salmon Rivers Council of Governments meeting — Friday, November 20, 2020, 3:30 p.m.

The Salmon Rivers Council of Governments will be meeting Friday, November 20, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. at the Altmar-Albion Municipal Building, 15 Bridge Street, Albion, New York. The public is welcome to attend. Physical distancing and masks will be enforced.

In addition, this meeting will be available via Zoom at this link: . The meeting ID is 886 3193 3009.

The meeting can also be accessed via the phone at 929.205.6099, with a meeting ID is 886 3193 3009. Long distance charges may apply.


 In the 2020 New York State Budget, it was enacted that BASIC STAR BENEFITS WILL BE DENIED to property owners who are delinquent on their County, Town, Village, City or School property taxes for more than one year. 

All delinquent taxpayers who are behind on their taxes and all delinquent installment contract holders who are behind on their payment schedules must bring their accounts current by JUNE 22, 2020 to keep their STAR in 2021. 

Delinquent taxes and delinquent installment contract payments should be paid to the Oswego County Treasurer’s Office.  Payments are not accepted on Foreclosed properties.

If you pay your taxes late but pay your taxes in full (being current), you may become eligible to get BASIC STAR in the future year.  Once a taxpayer loses the reduction from the school tax bill (STAR EXEMPTION), the taxpayer can only receive a STAR check with future eligibility if prior taxes have been paid in full.  (This means that the Town & County Tax Bills – issued in January, as well as applicable City Taxes which are issued in April – must be kept current at all times to keep Basic STAR.  Unpaid Village and School Property Taxes, as well as other Relevies are accounted for the on the January Tax Bill.)

 All inquiries regarding STAR and ENHANCED STAR should be directed to the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance.  Their phone number is 518-457-2036 and their normal office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.  More information may be obtained at: